PinnedEKS complete with eksctl / Sprint 1Setting up a Kubernetes cluster is a lot of work. Thanks to the guys and galls of Amazon we do have EKS; Kubernetes in the cloud solution…Jul 27, 2022Jul 27, 2022
Waarom je Matter wiltDomotica is here to stay. We bedienen steeds meer apparaten in onze huizen (en kantoren) met domotica. Wanneer je ‘s avonds thuiskomt, wil…Jul 16, 2024Jul 16, 2024
Gaan de passwords nu echt verdwijnen?Passwords, we worden er gek van. Ze moeten steeds ingewikkelder, ze moeten om de paar maanden veranderen en niemand kan ze nog onthouden…Dec 5, 2022Dec 5, 2022
EKS complete with eksctl / Sprint 4Ok, in the last sprint we implemented GitOps using FluxCD. Since we are doing GitOps we don’t need scrips anymore and rolling out apps or…Sep 2, 2022Sep 2, 2022
EKS complete with eksctl / Sprint 2In sprint 1 we created our first EKS cluster running a Spring Boot app.Aug 1, 2022Aug 1, 2022
Using TestContainers for Spring Boot integration testsIt was the evening of the French-German football game for the European Championship and while watching the game using one eye, I had the…Jun 15, 2021Jun 15, 2021
I used Flux CD v2 to deploy Spring Boot to my EKS clusterContinuous Deployments rocks. And FluxCD rocks. As a hard-core Spring Boot fan I wanted to use Flux CD v2 to deploy a Spring Boot…May 31, 2021May 31, 2021
Spring Boot: Using Liquibase to load test and demo dataIn one of my previous project we had to preload some test/demo data into our database on the DEV and TST environments, but of course not in…May 18, 2021May 18, 2021
Setting up a mono repo containing Java and Kotlin based Spring Boot minionsDo you have to deal with version hell in your microservice (we call them minions) farm? A mono repo can be the solution. I heard about…Oct 19, 2019Oct 19, 2019